Minutes of the meeting held Wednesday 22nd May 2024 – St Johns parish hall.
Present: Revd Chris Davies (CD), Hillary Kemp (HK), Jamie Flavell (JF), Anton French (AF) ,Vicky Shankland (VS), David Roderick (DRoderick) ,Sam Alder (SA), Linda Cook (LC),Tony Dawson (TD), Sam Murdoch (SM).
- Opening prayer
Revd CD opened the meeting with prayer
DRoderick introduced the new PCC members to the meeting. HK from the 9.30am service and AF from the family service were welcomed by all.
- Conflicts of interest and confidentiality
No conflicts of interest were declared. Members noted the confidential nature of the discussions and proceedings.
- Apologies for absence
James Hill, Steve Hart, Josie Hart, David Read, Jo Duffet and Geoff Wolfson.
- Draft Minutes of the meetings held on 24th January 2024 and 15th March 2024.
Draft minutes for both meetings agreed and signed. SA to remove draft watermark and add to our website and notice boards.
- Report from the APCM (Sunday, 6h May)
Revd CD advised that the APCM meeting went ahead and was well attended. The minutes have been written and will be ready to sign off at the APCM in May 2025.
Matters arising from the minutes ( not appearing elsewhere in the minutes)
- VS requested that we ensure that it is clear on all minutes and that that we differentiate between David Read and David Roderick’s names so that everyone is aware. SA to ensure that the draft APCM minutes are updating accordingly.
- To confirm elections to the PCC; to introduce; to elect / confirm officer, Trustee forms to be signed and completed.
Revd CD advised that all members on the PCC must sign the trustee forms. Some forms still to be completed. SA will request that these are signed ahead of the next PCC meeting.
David Roderick was elected and will continue to be Lay chair; VS as elected and continue as PCC Secretary will now be and we continue to look for a new treasurer.
Revd CD advised those in the attendance that we will split the process in regard to the role of treasurer and bookkeeper and are currently engaging with a bookkeeper in regard to costs and process. Revd CD reported that payments and the admin attached to this role will be managed in the parish office by SA. Revd CD advised that bookkeepers have their own software and can produce records and accounts as and when we need them, particular at year end when they need to be audited. Revd CD advised that we are not sure of costing but hopes to have these figures ahead of the next PCC meeting in July. Revd CD reported that this was the most positive outcome, and he is hoping that the new treasurer will be able to take interest in all the account/s and to help us with our investment funds and to ensure that we are making the most of our money. We will elect the treasurer at next PCC meeting in July.
Revd CD advised that he is hoping that the person taking over from PN will take on this role and direct us when necessary. Revd CD also advised that he believes it best to have a standing committee who can make decisions when it comes to our funds. In order to be part of the standing committee you must be a signatory on the funds held with CCLA, 5 members of the PCC agreed to this move. Revd CD advised that we have moved forward with the admin and are a lot closer to having the correct signatories. SA to reach out to those signatories and ensure that they complete the relevant forms.
- Safeguarding
Revd CD advised that SF (Sally Fairweather) has stepped down and RC (Rachel Cartwright) will come on board, RC comes with experience of the role as she is a social worker. RC has agreed to be the new safeguarding officer as of 7th May 2024. Revd CD reported that the role will be split with the admin such as DBS checks taking place in the parish office by SA. Revd CD advised that safeguarding always needs to be placed on the agenda for discussion. SF to provide a handover to SA and RC early June.
- Church life report from the clergy
Revd CD reported that there wasn’t much to report, and we seem to be ticking along. Revd CD advised that he is very much looking forward to welcoming Will Moore (WM) as our new curate. WM will be ordained in September. Revd CD advised that WM was due to arrive earlier and set up home at Greens Close, but the house is not free or ready for his move. Revd CD reported that we are hoping that the current tenants will be moving out on the 1st of June. WM will stay in Cambridge until the beginning of July. VS asked who would get the house ready for WMs arrival and was advised that the structural work will be done by the Diocese and then any paintwork decoration etc will be carried out between WM and the PCC. Revd CD advised that WM is very much looking forward to his move. Revd CD advised that WM may only with us for 2 ½ years before he moves on and will stay no longer than 3 ½ years.
- Churchyard closure
D Roderick gave an update received from GW in regard to the move and closure. We are still waiting to complete the application to the MOJ, but we seem to be stuck in limbo with LTC advising the process slowed up due to the local elections taking place. GW is back from his holiday and has this item on his to do list and shall follow up. Revd CD advised that he is very much looking forward to this move and that the decrease in maintenance which is currently paid to LTC. Revd CD advised that we save on average £3,500.00 a year.
- Finance:
(a) To receive the operating accounts for the period of 4 months up to 30th April 2024 (report attached).
Revd CD advised that the accounts were sent out to everyone for reference and perusal. Revd CD reported that there is a legacy due and is in the pipeline. He also advised that the grant came in for energy costs which was a one-off payment. Revd CD advised that a positive is that we are no longer paying the rent at the shop and that we have increased the rent at St Nics slightly. Revd CD reported that fund interest is up, but we have paid nothing for parish share, so that needs some oversight. Revd CD advised that our cash bank balance was £10,000 as of 22nd May. JF advised that the gift aid claim is on or around £8,000 to £10,000 yearly. Revd CD reported that all our investments are now in fixed term funds earning higher interest with an approx balance of £300,000 in deposit accounts or funds. Revd CD advised that once all the admin is completed on the accounts and signatories up to date, we may look to transfer from the HSBC cash account (legacy) to a fund account held with the CCLA.
(b) To agree to open a bank account with CAF.
SA gave update on the bank account and that we are ready to complete the application from and move from HSBC. Revd CD believes it is a good time to move. JF asked about Gift aid with CAF and SA to send JF the details she has which may help with his research.
(c) To sign and authorise generic signatory from – CCLA
Revd CD agreed that the new signatories on the fund accounts held with the CCLA will be CD, DR, VS, JD, and the new treasurer. SA to arrange for all the necessary forms to be completed and sent back to the CCLA.
(d) Update on employing a bookkeeper
Update provided as point 7 on the agenda. TD reported that he would be kind enough to send HK the finance pack from the last meeting.
- Fabric, Buildings and Churchyard Report
Revd CD provided an update on the quinquennial survey and report carried out and reported that is doesn’t look too bad and that the big issue may be the boiler room, work also needs to be done in the tower from leakage and issues with drainpipes. Revd CD advised that he has been in contact with the anonymous generous benefactor, and he is hoping that he may help with some of the costs. Revd CD mentioned that they may meet over a pint to see what he can do for us. Revd CD advised some stone masonry works are to be carried out. VS asked about categories and Revd CD gave a quick overview of how the report works. TD said it is always better to be preventative rather than be in a position when the next survey is due, and we have more work to do. Revd CD advised that he shall look at the report in more detail and send out once done so.
- Closure of SJOTB, outstanding costs.
Revd CD advised that we leased the property and was successful in our commitment to the Debden community, foodbank and voluntary groups to name just a few. Revd CD reported that we took the lease on and then the council changed the way it was working, and we seemed to be caught in backfire. Revd CD advised that we had dilapidations of £29000 and after a few negotiations with the council we have managed to get it a counteroffer of £9,000. Revd CD reported that to get the property back to how it was, look good versus lease we should look to offer to pay £3462 as we have a legal obligation to do so. Revd CD believes this will be reasonable starting point. PCC agreed to move and pay. Revd CD provided an update on invoice of business rates as we have been charged business . Revd CD reported that we are in the process of applying for change of use with the Valuation Office to a place of worship Revd CD advised that he has a face to face meeting with leader of the council on the 28th May and he is hoping that we will get some help, if not Revd CD will attend court as directed by the summons. TD advised that he is happy and willing to help should Revd CD need to attend court. SM asked about relief and Revd CD gave an update and he advised that he believes we have an exceptional circumstance. PCC members confirmed that they are happy for Revd CD to attend court and if needed agree to a payment plan to pay the rates over 3 years.
- Community and Church social events.
Patronal festival to be held on the weekend of the 22/23rd June – VS gave update and asked for help and volunteers to bake cakes or to help with running stalls or to volunteer and help on the day.
Confirmed events:
Harvest 21st September 2024
- Items for reporting to, or for discussion by the PCC, by exception / any other urgent business
(a) Letter of complaint from St Johns Wives in regard to the Parish Hall.
Revd CD gave an update in regard to the letter received and advised that we have moved the tables and put the little ones in the small trolley holder as the group mentioned that they are all quite heavy and had issues with health and safety. Revd CD also advised that he believes the wives are using the wrong urn and has guided them to the correct one to use. VS happy to attend the next wives meeting to act as peacekeeper and to see what we can do to help with the group going forward. SA to liaise with AP in regard to suitable date for VS to pop in and see them.
Dates of upcoming meetings
Noted: Wednesday 18th September