Parish News
Wills Ordination
Wills Ordination takes place this Sunday 8th) at 4.30pm at Chelmsford Cathedral, everyone is welcome to attend. If you can’t and want to watch online through the Chelmsford Cathedral YouTube. Here is the link to follow: The Ordination of Deacons - YouTube . –
We will be welcoming Will as deacon during the services on the 15th of September both after the 9.30am with cake during our usual coffee time and then after the 11.30 when the bar will be open in the Parish Hall.
Harvest 2024
St Johns Harvest Festival will take place this year on the weekend of the 22nd of September, and we will be having our usual collection of non-perishable food for Epping Forest Foodbank. We will be having celebrations at 8.00am 9.30am and 11.30am services. Everyone is welcome.
Harvest Barn Dance - cancelled.
We are very sorry to announce that we are going to have to cancel the Barn Dance this year, despite much effort we have been able to secure a band and caller.
PCC meeting
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 18th September, St Johns Parish hall 7.30pm
Mother Union’s Cake Stall
The Mothers union will be holding a cake stall on Sunday 15th September, a chance to have some wonderful cake as we welcome Will in his service as curate at St Johns, Loughton.
Mothers Union return after summer
The mothers union will meet in church on Thursday 19th September and every third Thursday in the month at 10.30am, all very welcome. If you want more information, please have a chat with Chris.
CLiC concert, Saturday 28th September
We are pleased to be hosting our next concert for CLiC, details to follow please do look out for how to book in our newsletter or notice boards.
Flow and Roam, sound bath
We are delighted to be hosting Ren again into the wonderful space of St johns, do see the leaflet on the notice board for more details of how to book.
Bishop Adam will be presiding over a service of confirmation in Waltham Abbey on the 13th of October at 4pm. Several of you have signed up and wish to be confirmed. We will be undertaking a short course of preparation in September and October in the parish hall. On the 15th of September 22nd, September 29th, September and the 6th of October.