
Welcome! Whether you have been to St John’s hundreds of times before, or this is your first visit, you are so welcome! It is great to have you with us! We strive to be an inclusive church community for all people, made up of different ages and backgrounds. We open ourselves to God in word and sacrament, enriched by the music of the Anglican choral tradition. We care deeply about serving the local community, offering support groups, social events, community projects, and more. Find out what is going in our church and local community this week, and how you can be involved! Speak to someone or get in touch using the contact details, if you would like more information or have any questions. We are here to help! As we begin Lent, we have lots of information for the coming weeks – so this week’s is a BUMPER issue of our Newsletter & Notices! Enjoy!

Parish News Lent Leaflets – You will find new Lent leaflets at the back of church, advertising everything going on from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday! Please do take some away, keep one at home and share them with friends and family. We will hope you will join us for as much as possible in this season. You can find the same details on our website here:

Car Park – Installing ANPR Cameras – Thank you to all those who have added their name and car registration details to the forms in church recently. The ANPR Cameras will be installed this week and so, from Wednesday 12th March, when you are attending church or the Parish Hall you will need to input your registration in the portal/tablet to avoid facing a fine. Those regulars who have given us your registration details will not need to do this. If you are a regular and missed the opportunity to add your details, please contact Sammy or pop into the Parish Office during the week.

Electoral Roll – As a church, we have an Electoral Roll which should be a list of our members and their details. This year we need to refresh the Electoral Roll. Therefore, if you consider yourself a member of St John’s, then there will soon be forms for you to fill out which we would be very grateful for.

Foodbank Appeal – As we approach Easter, Epping Forest Foodbank finds itself once again in need of your support as our clients face hardship like never before due to the ever-increasing cost of living. In order to meet the high demand for food support, we frequently need to buy food to replenish our stocks. Therefore, we take the liberty again of calling on you for help. We urgently need the following items: Milk (UHT), fruit juice (long life), tinned soup, pasta sauce, sponge pudding, tinned tomatoes, tinned vegetables, tinned meat/fish, tinned fruit, rice/pasta, instant mashed potato, tea bags/instant coffee, cereals, jam, biscuits/snack bars. Other essentials we need are toiletries, nappies, dog/cat food, washing up liquid, laundry sheets/tablets. Please would you leave donations at the donation point at church. Or, if you prefer to choose the foods you want to donate online, you can go to our online shopping list and choose whatever you wish to give in the knowledge that all items on there will be useful to us/our clients ( Thank you for your kindness and generosity!

The Bishop of Chelmsford’s Lent Appeal – This year the Bishop of Chelmsford’s Lent Appeal is raising funds to support the work of Housing Justice, a Christian charity working across England and Wales to alleviate homelessness in all its forms. Donations will be open until 1st July 2025. Housing Justice is a Christian charity that works in partnership with churches, community and faith groups across England and Wales to help provide those experiencing homelessness with a safe and stable home. The work of Housing Justice is channelled through four main projects that aim to tackle homelessness in various ways at a grassroots level. Find out more here: in-action/bishop-of-chelmsfords-lent-appeal-2025 Make a donation here:

Bell Ringers – A reminder that our bellringing team are always looking for new members. You don’t need to have had any experience. We hope to take a look at the bell tower and the bells in a Family Eucharist service soon. If you’d like to know more about the group and joining, look at our website here: or contact Chris Lee on

Children’s Afterschool Singing Group – We are making exciting progress to start a new afterschool children’s singing group at St John’s. We hope to begin after the Easter holidays. Stay tuned for more details soon!

An Invitation For Lent – As well as the traditional practice of giving things up for Lent, many people also find it helpful to take something up which expresses their desire to demonstrate God's love for the world better. If you are looking for something along these lines, did you know that the National Safeguarding Team offer a Basic Safeguarding course to everyone via their web training portal? You don't need to hold a particular role in the church; the training is free and can be done at your own pace. This is a great learning opportunity if you want to find out more about safeguarding and how it fits into your Christian faith. The website address is We are committed to the safeguarding of children, young people, and adults, following Church of England guidance and policies. For more information, please speak to our Parish Safeguarding Officer (PSO) Rachel Cartwright on 07351 422153 or look at the safeguarding pages on the Chelmsford Diocese website.

20s and 30s Group – Our 20s and 30s group (for those roughly 18-40s) is planning its next meet-up for late March / early April. Get in touch with Rev’d Will if you’d like to join the group chat!

Brownies – The local Brownies group are always ready to welcome new members. Speak to Chris or Sammy in the Parish Office for contact details.

Social Media – Don’t forget that we are very active on social media @StJohnsLoughton on Facebook and Instagram. If you’re not already, make sure to give us a follow and like our most recent posts! Whenever you post pictures of your time at church, please tag us! We’d love to share them and it also helps our outreach in connecting with others. Speak to Rev’d Will if you have any ideas for how best to use our social media channels.

Parish Giving – Thank you to all those who have signed up to our Parish Giving Scheme, which is the best way for us to claim back Gift Aid and receive donations. In this season of Lent, if you would like to start donating regularly to the church and our outreach, please go to this link or scan the QR code on the back of the Newsletter and Notices: loughton/ Rev’d Chris is also in the process of getting some paper forms for those who are unable to access this online.

Parish Events Lent Discussion Group – We will be journeying through Lent together using Amy Scott Robinson’s book Images of Grace (published by BRF). We will meet Sundays (16th, 23rd, 30th March 6th April 13th April) at 3.30pm in the Lady Chapel. The book is there to guide us, but please come along even if you can’t read it – this is a great opportunity to think more deeply about the themes and ideas at Lent and Easter together! See the poster, or speak to Liz or Rev’d Will, for more details. Lent Compline (Night Prayer) – During Lent, we will gather for Night Prayer for four Wednesday at 7pm – 12th, 19th, 26th March and 2nd April. Do join us for this short, quiet and reflective end to the day.

Community Coffee & Chat – Our Monday tea break continues to grow! Join us each week in the Parish Hall from 11am-12pm for a chat and a cuppa – you’d be most welcome!

PCC Meeting – The next PCC meeting will be held in church on Wednesday 19th March at 7.30pm. (You’re welcome to attend Night Prayer beforehand at 7pm!)

Choral Highlights – Our programme of excellent choral music under the direction of Virgil continues throughout this season of Lent and Easter. Some of our upcoming musical highlights include… On 16th March, we will have a Choral Mass at 9.30am with the music of Byrd and the Lent Prose. On 6th April, we will have a Choral Mass for Passion Sunday at 9:30am with the music of Faure and Saint-Saens. On 13th April at 6pm, we will have a ‘Journeying Towards Holy Week’ service. You can find the year’s Choral Highlights programme here: at-st-johns-church/

The Big Church Makeover! – On the weekend of the 17th May, we will be giving the Parish Hall a makeover, including repainting and other jobs. Please mark out this day in your diaries so that you can offer your time, energy, and resources to make our community building look brand new! Speak to Vicky and Ben Shankland or Rev’d Will for more details.

Jean French – Jean’s funeral will be held on Monday 17th March 1pm at Green Acres, CM16 6AD. The wake will follow at Green Acres. Donations to St Clare's Hospice. Jean’s family need to have some idea of numbers for catering, so please let Penny Lawrence (01992941506) know if you would like to go, or if you need a lift arranged. A St John’s Mother’s Union service in church in remembrance of Jean will be arranged at a later date. Blue Mother’s Day – In addition to our usual services on Sunday 30th March to mark Mothering Sunday, we will be holding an evening service at 6pm for those who struggle with Mother’s Day for whatever reason.

APCM – Our annual church meeting will be held on the 11th May between services. It is a good opportunity to share in the good work we are doing in our church and across the community!

Flow & Roam Restorative Sound Bath – Ren will be holding another session in our church on Sunday 23rd March at 7pm. If you would like to book, follow this link: church-restorative-sound-bath-tickets-1270528959319?aff=oddtdtcreator or use the QR codes on the posters.

For your prayers… Those who are sick: Nessie and Don McBean, Doug Pratt, Rita Mason, Ann Kirby, John Tucker, Aidan Chesher, Shen Smith, Susan Raymond, Christine Robson, David Southgate, Margaret Clarke, Elizabeth Staples, Josie Hart, Mavis Poole, Dave Whitaker, Christoph Roth, Julie Lewis

Our prayer list for those who are sick is refreshed at the start of every month. Please add names to the notebook in the Lady Chapel or use the prayer pinboard. Those who have died: Jean French, Joyce Ivy Hill, Iris McArthur

Contact Details Rev’d Chris Davies (Day off: Friday) | 020 8508 2912 Rev’d Barbara Read (Day off: Monday and Friday) | 01992 679375 Rev’d Will Rose-Moore (Day off: Friday) | 07858 858975 Parish Office – Sammy Alder (Monday-Friday, 9am-1pm) | 020 8532 0060 Social Media – Keep in touch with us online. You can find us on Facebook and Instagram @StJohnsLoughton. Give us a follow and make sure to tag us in your posts, pictures, and stories of your time spent at church – we’d love to see them and share them, where possible. You can find us on our website The notices are also available via email, just ask.

Live-Streaming – We are pleased that we are able to livestream all our services on St John’s Loughton YouTube, whether you want to tune in live on a Sunday morning or catch up later on @StJohnsLoughton.

Safeguarding – We are committed to the safeguarding of children, young people, and adults, following Church of England guidance and policies. For more information, please speak to our Parish Safeguarding Officer (PSO) on 07351 422153 or look at the safeguarding pages on the Chelmsford Diocese website.

Giving – If you would like to donate to the mission, ministry, and community outreach of our church, we would prefer you to make a regular or one-off donation with Gift Aid through the Parish Giving Scheme, which you can access using the QR code below. Alternatively, there is a contactless machine at the back of church or a box or tray for cash. Thank you for your donation!

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