See the details of our regular Sunday services:
Quiet BCP Communion - St John’s, 8.00am
A short and reflective spoken service in traditional language.
Sung Eucharist - St John’s, 9:30am
A traditional service in modern language, with a sermon, choir, and organ.
Family Eucharist - St John’s, 11:30am
An informal and lively service for all-ages with music and a talk. Children often go out for activities in the parish hall during the service.
Other services:
Morning Prayer - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 8.00am
Said Eucharist - Saturday, 9.30am
For our Choral Highlight services, including occassional Sunday Evensong, click here.
Seasonal services, including Christmas and Easter, will be posted below.
Keep an eye out on our social media @StJohnsLoughton for other occassional services.